Bringing Bath's parks to life
Thanks to funding from BANES Community Infrastructure Levy and the West of England Combined Authority, we are working with local people and park volunteers to create new, nature rich habitats in 20 of the city's parks.
Supporting park volunteers
Friends of Park Groups and volunteers are the lifeblood of our green spaces. They are the people that go the extra mile to bring their parks to life.
Following changes within BANES Council, we are now the organisation providing support to Friends of Park Groups and volunteers in Bath.
If you are interested in getting involved in your local park, you are a group with a new idea or you have a challenge you'd like to talk through. Please get in touch.
Creating new habitats
We are leading big habitat creation projects in 8 parks over the next year.
We have a busy programme creating new meadows, ponds, planting bulbs and habitat features and we need your help!
Get in touch with Carol and Mali to find out more about how to get involved today.