Community Choice Projects

Explore the projects that have been shortlisted for the Community Choice Awards.

Happy & Healthy

  • Alice Park Community Garden

    The Alice Park Community Garden aims to share skills, joy and tasty veg with its visitors, promote sustainable growing techniques and community participation. The garden is a welcoming oasis of calm greenspace where volunteers grow their own fruit and vegetables with surpluses being shared locally. The garden builds resilience and a stronger, happier and healthier local community. The diverse range of community events in the garden contribute to the physical and mental wellbeing of local residents on the east of Bath. Find out more

  • Bath Mind Wellbeing Walks

    The Bath Mind Wellbeing walk volunteers run weekly wellbeing walks, many of which visit local parks. Walks are adapted to a pace and suitability that is right for the whole group, and the walks are a relaxed, social and friendly space. Great for people who want to add more movement into their routine, or who would like to meet new people or want to get some fresh air and an opportunity to enjoy nature. Find out more.

  • Belfast Walk Community Garden

    The Belfast walk community garden group transformed an overgrown and unused plot of land in Knowle West into a community garden that has become a hub for communal activities bursting with health benefits for the community. It is poised to deliver coffee mornings, men’s mental health groups, yoga classes and even a children’s play area. It is a place to unwind, reflect and unite the community.

  • South Bristol Amblers

    South Bristol Amblers are a friendly walking group that meets regularly to enjoy a range of interesting and stimulating walks many of which take place in local parks. The group engages with people of all ages, particularly those who are elderly, Disabled, have less mobility and are isolated. The walks enable people to stay active, happy and healthy and also sharing a cuppa at the end or beginning of the walk leads to friendships and a real sense of belonging. Find out more.

  • Bath Mind Walks
  • Awards Belfast Walk
  • Alice Park CG
  • South Bris Amblers

    Community Connectors

    • Friends of Henrietta Park

      The Friends of Henrietta Park actively looks after the green space, carrying out voluntary projects, fundraising and organising events bringing together the local community. Their ability to connect with the community was shown by a recent project to revamp part of the park which was suffering from anti social behaviour. By working with organisations, the Council and the community, the Friends showed how local problems can be addressed and how community led ideas can lead to creative solutions. Find out more.

    • Friends of Lamplighter Marsh

      Friends of Lamplighter Marsh brought the community together by fundraising and getting the warhorse statue installed in the Daisy Field. This has fostered a sense of belonging in Shirehampton and it has become an important local landmark. The opening ceremony in 2023 was a highlight of the year for everyone in the local community. Find out more.

    • Redcatch Community Garden

      Redcatch Community Garden is all about bringing people together to learn and socialise through gardening, cookery and outdoor art therapy. The Garden serves as a hub offers for nurturing meaningful relationships amongst diverse community members. Find out more.

    • Friends of Hedgemead Park

      Over the years the Friends of Hedgemead have ensured the park is a wonderful space for both people and wildlife. As a result the park is a much loved place for everyone in the local community. The Friends ensure the park is appreciated by everyone locally by providing information about accessibility on their website. Volunteers of all ages enjoy coming together to volunteer in the park. Find out more.

    • Lamplighters
    • Redcatch
    • Hedgemead
    • Henrietta

      Nature Lovers

      • Stoke Park Community Group

        Stoke Park Community Group show their love for nature by working hard all year round to restore and enhance natural features across the estate. Their volunteers spend time, energy and enthusiasm in all weathers, getting stuck into projects which improve the biodiversity of the estate. Find out more.

      • Manor Woods Valley Group

        Manor Woods Valley Group help to maintain and develop the site for the benefit of wildlife and people. The group’s tireless dedication, passion for the site and inclusive approach makes them a beacon of community driven conservation. The Group is made up entirely of volunteers who run conservation activities such as clearing encroaching Brambles, sowing and planting wildflowers, coppicing and tree planting. The Group also organises events such as family nature activities, guided walks and talks. Find out more.

      • Friends of Moorlands Park

        The Friends of Moorlands Park help to keep the park as a well-maintained, clean and pleasant green space with outstanding views, offering a diverse range of features which are used and appreciated by the local community and visitors. The Friends of Moorlands have been exceptional in managing a field for biodiversity in 2023- they’ve really stepped up their volunteering, scything and seed sowing, and have committed to continuing the meadow-making project in 2024. Find out more.

      • Wild About Weston

        This group has been working with BANES to improve the local area for wildlife. For example, they have supported the B&NES Bee Bold initiative at The Weal triangle by planting spring bulbs and actively supporting all community volunteering activities. Find out more.

      • Stoke Park
      • Manor Woods Valley
        man on a skate.

        Vote now

        Vote for which project you think should win £200 towards their work.
