Meet the office team

Meet the small but brilliant office team who work tirelessly behind the scenes to support our projects to become a reality and succeed.

Meet Charlee

Charlee Bennett

Charlee is our CEO. She has worked in the charitable sector for well over a decade, including for large charities like Save the Children. She has a degree in Oceanography with Geography.

In her spare time Charlee enjoys being outdoors whether it's walking the dog, exploring on her bike or watching live music.

Charlee says "It’s #NotJustAPark because it has so much potential! If we improve access for everyone and create community, our urban green spaces can transform our health and wellbeing and quality of life."

Contact Charlee

Meet Amber

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Amber is our Head of Fundraising. She has worked in fundraising for 15 years with a wide variety of causes, local and national. She is a Certified Member of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising.

In her spare time Amber enjoys spending time with her family and music.

Amber says "It’s #NotJustAPark because parks are the centre of our community. They’re where we socialise, exercise, play, learn…everything!”

Contact Amber

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