Supporting your mental health and wellbeing this Blue Monday
Unlock the power of parks by discovering the positive impact they can have on your mental health and wellbeing
What is Blue Monday?
Blue Monday is a day to highlight the importance of prioritising our mental health and wellbeing.
It is a day to acknowledge the struggle that some people face with feelings of sadness and depression, especially during these long winter months.
Did you know that just 15 minutes in nature can improve your mental health?*
The power of parks
Getting out in nature can boost endorphins - our feel good hormones, giving us the perfect opportunity slow down and reconnect.
Our parks provide the perfect environment to help boost wellbeing this winter, and whats more, they are free! So wrap up, get outside, and feel that crisp winter air.
Why not ...
Need additional support?
Our Roots to Wellbeing service could be the right fit for you.
Roots to Wellbeing is our leading green social prescribing service that is designed to support anyone struggling with their mental health and wellbeing.
If you're feeling anxious, or feeling lonely or isolated, our weekly outdoor programme could help you.