Reimagining Hartcliffe Millennium Green
Hartcliffe Millennium Green in Bristol has been chosen to become an exemplar park to demonstrate the simple changes that can be made to parks to support people that struggle to access them. This will be the world's first parks accessible to people with any impairment.

The area
Accessibility Consultation

We worked with the Friends of Hartcliffe Millennium Green and a group of local Disabled people with a mix of impairments and differences, including neurodiversity, mobility and sensory impairments, to carry out the world’s first community-led accessibility audit of a park involving all impairments.
The learnings from the project are being used to develop a Toolkit that can be shared with other communities to help make their parks more accessible.
Work completed

We work with and support local groups and organisations, like Friends of Hartcliffe Millennium Green. We have both secured funding to start improvements which are starting in the park this year:
- An accessible gate (funded by Friends of Hartcliffe Millennium Green)
- Entranceway being made more inviting and attractive, with planting and tidying up
- New accessible paths and resurfacing (funded by Friends of Hartcliffe Millennium Green)
- Ease to access information about the park, with a new notice board installed
- Easy access online information
- Texture added to paths for visually impaired people to tell the difference between centre/edges of parks
- A pilot accessible bench and handrail
We have also been running Roots to Wellbeing in the park for two years, supporting around 41 local people in that time.
Next steps
Additional funding is needed for:
- Accessible bus stop with raised kerb
- Adding texture to more pathways to support visually impaired people
- Tapping rail for long cane users
- Better play for Disabled children and younger children
- More community activities to make the park feel better used and safer