Spotlight on: Manor Woods Valley Group

We funded Manor Woods Valley Group through our Love Your Park Community Fund in October 2021. We are inspired by the positive impact on young people's wellbeing.

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Manor Woods Valley is a local nature reserve in Bristol and a true hidden gem containing nature rich habitats including a stretch of the Malago river.

Our funding enabled the group to run a Forest School for children and young people who struggled with lockdown and online learning during the pandemic, and were experiencing anxiety.

Forest School Leaders ran nature and woodland activities for 28 young people to boost their confident and self-esteem, whilst teaching them about the importance of nature.

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‘Child A’ is autistic and was very shy and nervous at the beginning of the sessions. He/she did not talk much to others and was hesitant to engage in particular activities.

As the sessions continued, Child A gained in confidence with support from adults, became familiar with the space and other participants, developed friendships, and carried out achievable woodland activities.

By the end of the sessions Child A became confident enough to play freely with other children, speak their thoughts to adults, and participate in all activities provided.

It was clear to see this project boosted Child A’s confidence and self-esteem, supported them in making new friendships, and connected them with a local natural space’

Their families said the sessions were a much needed experience for their children.

All the young people got to know the Group and showed an interest in volunteering to help take care of Manor Woods Valley in the future.

man on a skate.

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