Spotlight on: Redcliffe Gardening Group

We funded Redcliffe Gardening Group through our Love Your Park Community Fund in October 2021. We love seeing the group energised with our support.

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Redcliffe Gardening Group is a small group of local volunteers who meet every Thursday to improve the green spaces near the high rise flats around Somerset Square in Bristol.

They weed, plant and prune the flower beds and rockeries and have created new raised beds out of recycled materials. They also keep the area free from litter.

The group welcomes people with various health difficulties and anyone who might feel a bit isolated or lonely and everyone appreciates the companionship.

"Garden club helps me keep up with my old friends......Coming out is much better than sitting at home doing nothing."

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With our grant of £511, the group bought new low maintenance evergreen and perennial plants to give shape and interest to the area.

The influx of funds and support energised the group and increased their commitment to developing the gardens.

"I haven't got a garden as I live in a tower block so it's great to be part of the community and to garden locally."

Two new members joined and local residents have started to spend more time in the gardens and at the local playground now the area feels safer.

The group has used their experience managing our grant to get new funding to develop another space into a wildlife area with hard paths to ease access to volunteers with limited mobility.

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“Gardening is good for your mental health. You get out of the house; you talk to people; you keep active".

man on a skate.

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