man on a skate.

From May 2024 to January 2025, we urgently joined together and raised £26,728 to kickstart work and reach the 200,000 people across Bristol & Bath confined to concrete. Thank you to everybody who supported our Reimagining Parks campaign.

If you missed your chance, you can still support this work, and specify which city or project we spend your donation in below.


Reimagining Parks

Reimagining Parks emails 1

With cost-of-living and mental health crises, and global environmental emergency, it’s a no-brainer that more people need to access parks, which are free to enjoy and transformational for health and nature.

So in May 2024, we marked our fifth anniversary with the launch of our biggest campaign yet, Reimagining Parks.

We are making real change and showing just how important access to green space is.


200,000 people shut out

Reimagining parks

Our work and research since 2019 has evidenced the key factors preventing people from using parks and benefitting their health:

  • physical accessibility (including entrances, surfaces, toilets or poorly introduced habitats)
  • personal safety (for example lighting or blocked lines of sight)
  • mental wellbeing (such as not feeling able to due to anxiety).

We know it’s a similar story all over the country. Our work is smashing down barriers to help everyone benefit from green space.

What we do

With your support


You are helping:

  • Create an exemplar park redesigned by women and girls: Brickfields Park, Bath
  • Host regular sensory walks, supported play sessions, family activities and accessible gardening in every neighbourhood in Bristol and Bath for 2,000 people
  • Expand our in-nature mental health therapy service Roots to Wellbeing to 500 people a year through sessions in two extra areas of health deprivation, and by introducing out of hours activities for people in employment or education.
Donate today

Leading the change

Hope 2

Our ambition is for everyone in Bristol and Bath to have a park that is accessible to them close to home.

The people shut out and we aim to reach are:

  • Disabled people
  • unpaid carers
  • women and girls
  • minority ethnic groups
  • people in low-income/disadvantaged areas.
Read the research
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